Monday, March 30, 2009

Word of the Week #8


Source: “New Alan Wake details emerge into the cold, hard light of day”

How it was used: “New details were (unsurprisingly) scant, though we were able to glean a handful of facts from the interview.”

Definition: Scant
1. Barely sufficient in amount or quantity; not abundant; almost inadequate: to do scant justice
2. Limited; meager; not large: a scant amount
3. Barely amounting to as much as indicated: a scant two hours; a scant cupful
4. Having an inadequate or limited supply (usually fol. by of): scant of breath
–verb (used with object)
5. To make scant; diminish
6. To stint the supply of; withhold
7. To treat slightly or inadequately
8. Scot. and North England Dialect. Scarcely; barely; hardly

Your sentence: My interest piqued when I heard Resident Evil 5 will have an online mode. I’m definitely buying that game.


  1. Only one problem ... your sentence doesn't use the word in question. Neither does your sentence in #7. In fact, both #7 and #8 use the sentence from #6. My curiosity is piqued.

    4/5 for #7 and #8; 5/5 for #4-6

  2. Ah I must have saved over the other copies. I will update them.
