This page was taken from the William/Reed Corridor Business Directory. The quote is take from the owner of TK Noodle, which is on the corner of East William Street and South Eighth Street. The quote should read: "There are many regulars who say 'TK Noodle makes me feel like I am at home'."

I originally saw this picture on Joystiq. This is the cover for the upcoming game, Guitar Hero: Metallica. The background of the case lists out other bands that will be featured on the game. One of those bands, Lynyrd Skynyrd, is misspelled on the box art.
Finally, I'm not sure if this counts (her name isn't on the letter), but I received this letter from the landlord of my apartment.

So...where to start with this one. The second sentence on the first paragraph should read: Please be aware of the signs "Do not enter please." The first sentence on the second paragraph should read: "I have been informed that there are still tenants playing their loud music. This is not acceptable." The second sentence should read: "Other tenants have the right to enjoy peace and quiet." The first sentence on the third paragraph should read: "Parties party (delete the "you") must notify the manager two weeks in advance for approval." Finally, the second sentence on the third paragraph should read: "If you need to contact me about this, call me at (408) 993-0812."
Boy, that letter was a gold mine of errors! 4+4+28=36