Monday, April 20, 2009

Does Social Media Make Conversations Awkward?

Social media is a great tool to use especially with the massive amount of growth it has been receiving over the past couple of months. However, at the same time I feel that my involvement in these various platforms somewhat hinder my ability to develop a relationship in person.

Through my participation on Twitter, I tend to learn a lot about some of the individuals that I follow. Just over the past week I heard, or read, about some of the Twitter community getting married and other moving into new apartments.

Now, I usually do not have a problem engaging in conversations with unknown or random individuals (my work at SomethingPunk has taught me to suck it up and talk to artists). I believe that when I post something on Twitter or my Facebook feed that it is fine for people to bring up in random conversation. However, does everyone else feel that same way?

Social media, although being an amazing way to communicate with individuals and other broader audiences, may hinder real-life communication. The lines between what is appropriate and inappropriate in face to face conversation vary with the individual.

1 comment:

  1. I agree: The lines between what is appropriate and inappropriate in face-to-face conversation (and online conversations) vary with the individual.

    The trick is to remember where you are and who you're talking to (or who can read what you write) and then decide how much you want to reveal.

